Ink Drops March 2021

[columns] [span6] NEXT MEETING: April 7, 2021 7:00 PM MDT via ZOOM Instructor: Sachin Shah Fraktur Majuscules [/span6][span6] [/span6][/columns] LETTERS AND LINES PROMPTS FOR APRIL “YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE” Using a favourite quote, proverb, scripture or saying that you have enjoyed … Continued

September Ink Drops, Part Two

Member Projects These four botanicals are from Alexis’ from Barbara Close’s Copperplate Garden workshop. [space_40] [space_20] Kathy G.’s gifts for her grand-nieces and nephew.                       Amy gave a workshop at a winery in British Columbia       Lilian’s gift to … Continued

Ink Drops, September/2020/Part One

Next Meeting: October 7        7:00 PM via ZOOM Instructor: David Gasser Standing on the Shoulders of Giants —Roman Letters       October’s Letters and Lines Theme: “TEXTURE” The overall texture of a composition influences how it is perceived… delicate vs bold. Letter … Continued

Ink Drops, August 2020

Happy August! As a retired teacher, I always feel a ‘twinge’ when the calendar flips over to August, as it signalled that my summer was more than half over. Most of us were back in our classrooms the last week … Continued