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Current MRI-based medical research shows that handwriting engages more quadrants of the brain than typing, and that brain engagement is even greater when one is creating new scripts.

Professionally, there is an increasing demand for and interest in penmanship and lettering arts, both in hobbyist and corporate settings.

The Edmonton Calligraphic Society supports the use of the Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series, which spans Kindergarten to Grade Six. It is a rich curriculum, filled with opportunities to co-teach such things as grammar, letter-writing, and the history of handwriting. All these and many more topics are thoughtfully embedded in the writing exercises and drills. Students are taught to self-correct (formative self-assessment), and work begins with a standard pencil.

Find out why handwriting is what it is…and what it can be.

Our Handwritng History

Queries to our website, calls from schools and parent groups, and the suggestion from Edmonton Arts Council led the members of Edmonton Calligraphic Society to form a small ad hoc committee that perused many handwriting curriculums. Looking for letter forms that were logical and legible, and where ease of mastery was critical, our group chose the Getty-Dubay Italic curriculum.

Handwriting Information and Sources:

For more information on the Getty-Dubay curriculum

“Why cursive handwriting needs to make a school comeback” ( references the Alberta curriculum specifically.

Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild “Kids Handwrite” section