Member Projects
These four botanicals are from Alexis’ from Barbara Close’s Copperplate Garden workshop.

Kathy G.’s gifts for her grand-nieces and nephew.
Amy gave a workshop at a winery in British Columbia

Lilian’s gift to a friend
Alexis’ work from Heather Held’s class
Gail’s pieces from Barbara Close’s Copperplate Garden Workshop
Lilian’s poster for her class at St. Albert’s Amplify Festival
National Ampersand Day – September 8
The Ink Drops Newsletter is not designed to only showcase beautiful work from highly-skilled calligraphers. It is a means to share work you did during one of the many online classes, or projects you have done on your own. We want all calligraphers to bravely submit your work so we can encourage you and acknowledge your growth as you progress on your calligraphic journey. With that said, please use bright light conditions to photograph your work, and crop as much area outside of the actual calligraphy when you take your picture. It will save me having to do so much editing when I receive it. Submit photos to
Thank you to Charlene and Cynthia for conducting the audit of our finances for our year ending June 30, 2020.
They confirmed that all aspects of the records were fairly represented and complete.
With an increase in our membership, the executive felt it was a good time to add to the Write On, Wendy Bursary to bring it to $2000. This is used to support our new members when they decide to participate in an ECS-sponsored workshop, and it is well-received.
Several ECS Executive Members met in Jeanine’s garage on a warm, sunny day in August to write welcome notes to our 63 new members, and address the envelopes. It was heart-warming to be together after such a long COVID time. We wore masks but removed them for a brief photo. Thank you, team!
Back row L-R Barbara, Jeanine, Henry Front Row L-R Cynthia, Laura, Arlene Photo taken by Gail
During a little break in the envelope addressing, I was surprised with the presentation of an envelope containing a handmade card and beautiful message, written by Barbara. It was signed by everyone on behalf of our membership, as a sweet and thoughtful appreciation of the extra work involved in pulling our Crazy Covid Calligraphy year together! It touched my heart and was totally unexpected. The gift certificate for Thai food is most appreciated (my favourite), and the gift certificate to the Paint Spot will go toward my new Brody Pen.
I signed on to this job as president because it was time, and I wanted to do it. The ECS is my other family, and it’s important that I help it keep promoting calligraphy to the best of my ability. Thank you all for you kind support!
Happy Lettering!
Gail Fournier
ECS President
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