September Ink Drops, Part Two

Member Projects These four botanicals are from Alexis’ from Barbara Close’s Copperplate Garden workshop. [space_40] [space_20] Kathy G.’s gifts for her grand-nieces and nephew.                       Amy gave a workshop at a winery in British Columbia       Lilian’s gift to … Continued

Ink Drops, July, 2020

Hello COVID Calligraphers! Well, these last few weeks have been very exciting! The programming we have initiated with our professional calligraphers is gaining attention, both across Canada, and into the US! As people learn what an extraordinary value they will … Continued

Getty and Dubay

For those who are self-isolating around the world, Getty and Dubay are offering their online resources FREE for two weeks. This includes their live videos of authors Getty and Dubay presenting their handwriting workshop, their DIY worksheet creators, and their … Continued