Ink Drops, April 2021

[columns] [span6] [hr] NEXT MEETING May 5, 2021 7:00 PM MDT via ZOOM Instructor: Carol DuBosch Envelope Art Slide Presentation [/span6][span6] [/span6][/columns [hr] LETTERS AND LINES PROMPTS FOR MAY “BACK TO NATURE” We are on the verge of summer…flowers are … Continued

Ink Drops, November 2020

Next Meeting: December 2  7:00 PM MST via ZOOM    Instructor: Sally Towers-Sybblis Watercolour Christmas Cards December Letters and Lines Theme: “Dream” What is a dream?…images, ideas, emotions, goals?…visions of sugar plums? Find a motivational quote and letter it using a … Continued

Getty and Dubay

For those who are self-isolating around the world, Getty and Dubay are offering their online resources FREE for two weeks. This includes their live videos of authors Getty and Dubay presenting their handwriting workshop, their DIY worksheet creators, and their … Continued

Celebrate Handwriting

Check out this broadcast about ECS celebrating Handwriting this Saturday. Special thanks to Jeanine Alexander for representing ECS in the broadcast. ECS will be using the Getty-Dubay curriculum for this handwriting event. Here is the link to learn more or … Continued

Celebrate Handwriting

The Edmonton Calligraphic Society is pleased to offer a Handwriting Workshop on January 25, 2020.   Using the Getty-Dubay Italic handwriting curriculum, you will first learn a basic italic print. These continuous-stroke letters transform smoothly into a joined (cursive) style that … Continued