February 5 from 7-9 pm on ZOOM
In this 2-hour workshop, we will learn to use a pointed fiber-tipped brush to create beautiful thick-and-thin italic letters. To build awareness for the pressure-release technique to create the letters, we will also learn “faux calligraphy” which can be adapted to larger poster work. Pointed brush lettering is fun and freeing, done with speed and spirit.
Sally Penley is a graphic designer, calligrapher and sumi artist living in Olympia, Washington. She has a BFA in Visual Communications and since retiring from her “day job” as Director of Communications at Weyerhaeuser* Company, she is a full-time working artist at her studio in Tumwater. She also conducts various Zoom workshops on calligraphy, Sumi art, bookmaking and painting techniques.
Website: sallypenley.com
*Pronounced “Ware-howzer”

This class is free for ECS members so buy a membership today and get access to this and two more in-person classes!
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