Next Meeting: October 7
7:00 PM via ZOOM
Instructor: David Gasser
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
—Roman Letters

October’s Letters and Lines Theme: “TEXTURE”
The overall texture of a composition influences how it is perceived… delicate vs bold. Letter a drawn square with a monoline tool and then letter over it with a broad edge pen. Choose an everyday saying and a favourite tool and letter it tall and thin, then short and squat, then fat and wide…squish the lines close together. Create a stencil and add an embossed accent to your page. See what happens when you letter with a broad nib on rough watercolour paper! We would love to see your Texture pieces in the October Ink Drops, so please submit them to before October 11.
We kicked off our 2020-21 ECS Calligraphy year!
After six months of not being together, and with great anticipation, our Edmonton Calligraphic Society was able to finally meet again via the ZOOM virtual platform. At its peak, 109 people tuned in to watch and work along with our first guest instructor, Julie Wildman. It was delightful to see several of our upcoming instructors also join Julie’s class to enjoy learning her Akim letter style. David Gasser, Sally Towers-Sybblis (Dec.), as well as Suzanne Canon and Heather Held, who will be teaching us in the new year. We were happy to have them as part of our ECS family.
Julie engaged us with her Akim lettering and demonstrated some variations to try. She gave us some samples of how she uses colour to enhance her lettering, which was a great motivator, leaving us wanting more! It is our hope that the introductory ‘teaser’ sessions given by our instructors will encourage you to investigate other classes offered by them at a later date.
Since our last Ink Drops, we welcome the following new members to the ECS: Ramona Matthews (Toronto), Annette Wichmann—owner of Kensington Art (Calgary), Greta Brack (Kansas), and Sharon Renchuk (Edmonton).
Letters and Lines: September’s Theme – “UP, UP AND AWAY”

Canada Post

About the end of April my stamp stash was depleted. This had me take a look at the Canada Post online order service. While my first order was a long time arriving… an order this summer took only 4 days to arrive.
No extra fees are applied and you have access to stamps that are not likely available at postal outlets. I got my hands on the Popsicle stamps, more Leonard Cohen stamps and some of my favourite florals from several years ago.
I did find the website a bit challenging. That is not uncommon for me. There is one spot…with a warning…that seems to make it easy to duplicate your order…but, hey–just send 2 envelopes in the ECS exchange next month! Jeanine Alexander
In case there are people who don’t know this … if you take your envelope directly to the post office and ask them to ‘hand cancel’ your envelope, they will do that just over the stamp and the actual decorated envelope isn’t marred by theirmachine-cancel mark. June Maffin
Wednesday, September 30th, 9 PM MDT How Writing Changed the World designed by Brody Neuenschwander
From millennia-old carvings in an Egyptian turquoise mine to the invention of the printing press, you will learn how various tools affected the development of written communication, and how writing transformed the spread of information. This wonderful film was 12 years in production and took 4 years to film and edit. Don’t miss this surprising and fascinating program!
Envelope Exchange
Reggie Ezell has several classes coming up:
Barbara Close has 2 courses: Copperplate Essentials, and Contemporary Variations, each $100 USD.
Randall M. Hasson is teaching “Writing With a Bent Nib”
Sally Towers-Sybblis has a number of fun, online classes ranging from $10-$45 CAD
Pat Blair (White House Chief Calligrapher) Copperplate flourishing:
Carol DuBosch has a variety of classes:
John Neal Bookseller lists many calligraphers who are giving online classes:
Jillian and Jordan—Loveleigh Loops have many free demo videos but also have online classes. They have free downloads for flourishing drills:
Lettering Daily has lots of free drills:
Becca Courtice, The Happy Ever Crafter is from Ottawa and posts weekly tutorials.
Loredana Zega has new classes: “Colour and Design With a Dry Brush” and “Crazy Illumination”. You can find details here:
Acorn Arts has a lot to offer:
Alice Young has classes that will help you play with Pilot Parallel Pens and work through her Gentle Gothics’ lessons:
Society for Calligraphy has LOTS to offer:
Carrie Imai has jumped into online classes and is offering her fun Dancin’ Pen class.
Amity Parks has several classes to explore:
Risa Gettler “Illuminated Letter” San Diego Regional Workshop (ZOOM) October 10, Sat, 9am-4:30pm. Recorded Zoom Workshop. Learn to create a stunning Illuminated letter. This detailed, beautiful work of art will be one of your most prized possessions. Contact: Marsha Vanetsky at Cost: $50
Check out: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Calligraphy (Thanks, Jeanine Alexander!)
Getty-Dubay/Julie Wildman partnership, “Expresssive Handwriting for Kids class”. Please share this information with any teachers you know, or parents who are looking to help their children improve.

We have had a few questions about the digital membership directory. Our Membership team will be working on it over the next few weeks, so it should be ready to distribute sometime after the middle of October.
ECS members will be given the opportunity to advertise their skills and services on our website. We’re working on an information document which will be available in the near future.
Reggie Ezell has several classes coming up:
Barbara Close has 2 courses: Copperplate Essentials, and Contemporary Variations, each $100 USD.
Randall M. Hasson is teaching “Writing With a Bent Nib”
Sally Towers-Sybblis has a number of fun, online classes ranging from $10-$45 CAD
Pat Blair (White House Chief Calligrapher) Copperplate flourishing:
Carol DuBosch has a variety of classes:
John Neal Bookseller lists many calligraphers who are giving online classes:
Jillian and Jordan—Loveleigh Loops have many free demo videos but also have online classes. They have free downloads for flourishing drills:
Lettering Daily has lots of free drills:
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