Next Calligraphy Night: February 5, 2020 (Doors open at 5:30 to set up tables & chairs. Activities begin at 6:00)
Letters & Lines Theme: “X’s and O’s” Learn to Letter: Fun With Flourishes Project: Book with stitching
These are examples of the name tags Jeanine lettered for our Members as they arrived. Everyone is glad to receive these little calligraphy gems! Thank you for your gift, Jeanine!
With a snowy, slushy night, our attendance dropped to the usual 24, but we had a lively evening creating “Joy” cards to send to people with whom we have had a connection throughout the year. It was a time to visit and chat with others and get to know them better. Thanks to all for your effort to create our cards and thanks to those who addressed the envelopes! We enjoyed fruit, squares and chocolates during the break, then made little tree ‘cookie’ ornaments to take home in pockets of folded paper. I’m especially grateful to Pauline and Jeanine for organizing this delightful project.
Learn to Letter
Time to check out the library, envelope exchange table, the monthly “3 bags full” draw, sign up for workshops and take a look at member’s contributions to Letters and Lines.
Letters and Lines – December Theme: “Joy”

Letters on Black done at the November Mentor Meet-up!
Three Bags Full
What a festive and fabulous display of items for our draw! Thank you for your hard work in shopping for all the items and creating wonderful collections throughout 2019, Edwina and Kathy!
Envelope Exchange
Here are the envelopes received and displayed this month.
Evening’s Activity #2
Decorating medallions that go into a tiny pocket that we made.
FOLDED POCKET PATTERN (Thank you , Jenny, for drawing the diagrams!)
Medallion creations:
April 25, 2020 Sally Towers-Sybblis To be announced…
June 6 & 7, 2020 Phawnda Moore
Watercolour Letters and Design
Register at the monthly meetings. $180.00
Suitable for all levels.
October 2020 Renee Alexander Topic to be announced.
OUTREACH Sunday,December1st and15th
8:30AM to 5PM
Thank you to Renita, Kathy and Gail who decorated gift tags for our Bountiful Market Outreach on Dec. 1. It was a very slow day and we did not have the numbers expected at our table; fortunately, we were allowed to set up again on Sunday, Dec. 15 and again on Friday, Dec. 20, if we wish. Donated money will help support our Write On Wendy Bursary to support our members who are attending ABC 2020 August 9-13, 2020. Thanks to Jackie, Lilian, Jeanine, and Gail for working at our table. Sally Towers-Sybblis was in Edmonton to give two different workshops, so joined us for a few hours in the morning of Dec. 1, and even designed a little poster!
Here are some of the 474 decorated gift tags. Jackie, Sally and Jeanine Dec. 1 in the morning.
Sally’s cute Bountiful Poster! Gail and Jackie with our new poster & décor, Dec. 15.
* We have so many gift tags remaining that we will do one last Bountiful Market day this Friday, Dec. 20. If you are able to help letter for a couple of hours, please let Gail know asap. We need someone for 8:30-11 and 3-5.
On Saturday January 25, we are celebrating handwriting by offering a free session for any of our ECS members who are interested in learning the Getty-Dubay Program with the intention that you will join our team of future handwriting coaches. You will write the Cursive Italic letterforms and practice them by addressing envelopes to your friends and family, so bring your address books/phones. We will meet at the new Artelier 10045 81 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 1W7 in the bay at the back of the building at 10 AM.
The afternoon, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM will be open to the public at a cost of $20 per person. Tickets are available on Eventbrite, so spread the word to those who might want to attend. We encourage parents and children to come and learn together. celebrate-handwriting-tickets-86216334377
An Introduction to Script Lettering—LynnAnn Babuk
Feb. 12 & 26, 2020 6:30-9 PM
Lilian Osborne School—Metro Continuing Education
Folded Pen Flair—Jeanine Alexander April 15, 2020
The Paint Spot
World Calligraphy Conference Slovenia
July 26-July1, 2020
ABC 2020
Red Deer, Alberta
August 9-13, 2020
Because most of you missed completing the survey at the bottom of the November Ink Drops we sent it out in a separate email. If you haven’t taken the few minutes to answer the 10 short questions, please do that by Friday, Dec. 20 so your executive can plan our 2020-2021 year.
I want to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude for all the support and enthusiasm you have demonstrated for our ECS family this year. You generously arrived early to set up tables and chairs, and helped with the display tables. You mixed and mingled with all members and welcomed new people with warmth and generosity. You willingly volunteered for positions on the executive and in supportive capacities. You participated in the Letters and Lines themes and envelope exchanges. You purchased tickets for the Three Bags Full draws, which went a long way toward paying our monthly rent. You were incredible at folding tablecloths and moving tables and chairs back at the end of our meetings. Most of all, you made the Edmonton Calligraphic Society a vibrant, inclusive, energy force that is growing in numbers and is gaining a larger presence in Edmonton! I wish you all a very joyful Christmas season with your friends and families, and some time to yourself where you can play with your INK, PAPER, and LETTERS before we meet again in February.
Merry Christmas! Gail Fournier
ECS President
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