Happy August!
As a retired teacher, I always feel a ‘twinge’ when the calendar flips over to August, as it signalled that my summer was more than half over. Most of us were back in our classrooms the last week of August to decorate bulletin boards, set up our classrooms, and make welcoming environments for our students as we began preparing our programs.
Now, I know that September seems to sneak up on me more quickly than I would like (I hate those cooler evenings that signal the approach of autumn), but this year, it will be the most unusual fall of all. COVID has changed the way we do many things, but your Edmonton Calligraphic Society COVID Calligraphy Committee has had a busy summer preparing a very special year for your continued study of the calligraphic arts. We are delighted with the responses from our invited professionals and feel that we are offering a diverse and interesting variety of lettering sessions for you to enjoy. Our first four months are set and ready to go!
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Most of our last-year’s members have renewed their memberships with the ECS, so we know they enjoyed our monthly Calligraphy Nights. We are encouraged that they continue to entrust us with providing quality programming for our 2020-2021 year. We have offered our eight instructors complementary memberships in the ECS so they can also participate in each other’s sessions throughout the year.
Please know that we have now capped our membership and will NOT accept mailed membership forms. There are no memberships available through Eventbrite.
The Edmonton Calligraphic Society would like to welcome all new members to our organization.
Membership Renewal Incentive Projects:

Pauline’s Birthday accordion book, practice covers, and final cover choice.
Envelope Exchange
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We thank our ECS member Margret for organizing our Envelope Exchange…it’s a lot of work, especially with so many new members. Send photos of the July/August envelopes you receive and I’ll include them in the Sept. Ink Drops. gfournier@telus.net
Reggie Ezell has a course on learning how to gild (for beginners). He has very clear, step-by-step directions and demonstrations for a reasonable cost of $25 USD.
Barbara Close has 2 courses: Copperplate Essentials, and Contemporary Variations, each $100 USD.
Randall M. Hasson is teaching “Writing With a Bent Nib” https://sandiaworkshops.art/
Julie Wildman is teaching an “Alphabet Book” over three weeks for $150 USD July 14, 21, 28
Sally Towers-Sybblis has a number of fun, online classes ranging from $10-$45 CAD
Pat Blair (White House Chief Calligrapher) is offering 2 classes: “ Copperplate Lower Case” July 16, 17 11-1 PM $55 USD and Copperplate Capitals July 23, 24 11-1 PM $55
Carol DuBosch has a variety of classes: https://www.caroldubosch.com/online-teaching/
John Neal Bookseller lists many calligraphers who are giving online classes:
Jillian and Jordan—Loveleigh Loops have many free demo videos but also have online classes.
Loredana Zega has three Zoom classes: “Let’s Do the Walls”, “Colour and Design in Calligraphy”, and “Flame Script”. You can find details here: https://www.kaligrafija.org/
Acorn Arts has a variety of classes: https://acornartsclasses.org/
Alice Young has classes that will help you play with Pilot Parallel Pens and work through her Gentle Gothics lessons: https://aliceyoung.ca/online-calligraphy-classes
Society for Calligraphy posted several fun classes
http://societyforcalligraphy.org/calendarDetail.php?eventID=1361 http://societyforcalligraphy.org/calendarDetail.php?eventID=1324 https://www.societyforcalligraphy.info/resources/Site/Workshop_Fliers/0820_Imai_playful_letters.pdf
Member Projects:
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REMINDER: If you are new to using Zoom and would like to participate in a practice session, please let me know by Aug. 14., and indicate if you’d prefer a weeknight evening or Sunday afternoon. gfournier@telus.net
Letter On!
Gail Fournier
ECS President
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