The first Meetup for 2018/19
It was on October 27th. These meetups provide an opportunity for sharing of creative calligraphic ideas and mentoring. They are from 10 am to 4 pm on 3 Saturdays of the ECS calendar year.
Doors open at 10 and the studio space is available for ECS members at no cost. Guests are $10.00.
Members can arrive at any time during the day to check out the work that is taking place OR choose to use the studio as a work space for the day and work at their own pace.
There is a demo from 11:00 to 12:00. This month’s demo was done by Jeanine Alexander and the topic was brush lettering.
Here are pictures from the demo session where Jeanine shared information about brushes, colour blending, and so much more. Both experienced and new calligraphers learned lots from this “Mentoring Meetup.”
Some of the markers that Jeanine shared with the group. Recommended that you keep your markers on their sides for better flow.
Paper Information was shared.
Other papers for lettering:
A list of other papers that were available to try out. The papers were numbered so that we could keep them for reference later.
Very important to keep good notes for reference.
Lettering Demo
Videos of above sample.
Colour Blending Tips.
Important to keep notes.
Here is a list of markers used in a previous session.
Using grey then adding colour.
Blending Video:
Jeanine also shared a card from a Barbara Close workshop.
Thank you Jeanine for the inspiring demo.
One of the Reference Books:
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