Member Projects

Envelope Exchange

Back in November, I received a poem written by ECS member, Dorothy Lowrie, after participating in Julie Wildman’s Akim session in September. It was too late to put in the November Ink Drops, then, because I had filed it in my email rather than my photo files, I forgot to put it into December’s issue! Dorothy wondered what happened to it and sent me a note, to which I expressed my deep apology. Here it is now, for you to enjoy.
The first place to check is John Neal Bookseller, as there are numerous instructors listed there. If you know of someone who is not posted with JNB and is offering classes in 2021, please let me know and I’ll add them to our information.
John Neal Bookseller: Numerous Online Classes
Denis Brown: A Variety of Classes
Heather Held: Private Lessons
Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto: French Round Hand
Carrie Imai: Foundation Meets Bone
Portland Society for Calligraphy: Three Upcoming Classes
Society for Calligraphy: Mini-Workshops For Non-Members
Lettering Daily: Tutorials and Guides
Westcoast Calligraphy Society: Free Pointed Pen Demo
Lettering Arts Guild (Red Deer):Embedded Letters With Carrie Luckwell
The Pointed Pen Collective: Copper-Play
- Executive Meeting
The Executive met on Zoom on January 17. We agreed to hire Professional Instructors for our Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2021 meetings, as we feel it may still not be safe to gather in person. If you have suggestions for a calligrapher we might consider, send an email to our Gmail account: Hello, ECS
- Kindness Projects
We have decided to initiate a couple of charitable activities on behalf of the ECS. When we organized our Handwriting Day event, we kept the price low as a bonus to the larger community and to promote the Getty-Dubay Cursive Italic Handwriting Program. We will take any profit from that event and add money (if necessary) to make a total of $250 and donate it to WIN House to support Women In Need fleeing abusive relationships. We understand that the need has increased due to COVID, and WIN House prefers monetary donations.
The second project involves YOU! We would like to make Weathergrams to hang in the trees around our local hospitals, as positive, uplifting messages of support for our long-suffering healthcare workers. We also plan to tuck them under the wipers of cars in the hospital staff parking lots. Our thought is to make them, collect them at several points around the city (exec. members’ houses, etc.), and coordinate the hospital drop-offs. We are aiming for the Spring Equinox on Saturday, March 20.
We need a couple of people who would be willing to coordinate the details for this project! Please contact me and make my day!
As this COVID pandemic drags on, I am truly grateful for our wide calligraphy community
where we are able to meet people from around the world in our online classes. The availability of such a wonderful diversity of learning opportunities continues to amaze me and fill me with joy! The ‘smorgasbord’ of calligraphy classes is often overwhelming—I want to take them all!We calligraphers are truly fortunate—the opportunities to learn from skilled, well-known instructors at our kitchen tables and studios, is unprecedented. Many of our newer calligraphers are becoming familiar with professional calligraphers they would have limited opportunity to experience in person.
I thank you all for your continued kind comments and support for the programming your executive has prepared and is planning for the fall. Your cards and positive email notes are so uplifting! I share all of them with your executive members.
Have a hopeful new year! Gail
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