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NEXT MEETING: September 1, 2021
7:00 PM MDT via ZOOM
Instructor: Violet Smythe
Neuland With a Twist
We now have 72 members who have renewed their membership and we’re glad to welcome new members, Wendy Verbeek from Lacombe, AB and Shannon Savage from Port Angeles, WA. Please remember that we are encouraging you to renew your ECS Membership before June 30 to receive the link to Sally Towers-Sybblis’ incentive project below.
Letters and Lines Theme: Back to Nature
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Member Projects
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Envelope Exchange
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After participating in our Grey Nuns Gratitude Weathergrams Project in April, ECS member, Brenda Stouffer proposed a similar idea to her Grande Prairie friends. It received overwhelming interest and she ended up with 20 participants who created 1700 Weathergrams for their local hospital.
Heather Luciow, Event Coordinator for GRIT, “a non-profit group which works with young children who have developmental delays or disabilities and helps them access educational programming to support their learning, participation and development for up to three years prior to grade one”, requested some Weathergrams to attach to Thank You Gifts for her staff. www.gritprogram.ca Here are the results:
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Our next Executive meeting will be later in June, and we encourage anyone who is interested in observing, to contact us. https://edmontoncalligraphicsociety.ca/contact/ We hope it will give you a taste of what goes on, and the decisions we make, as we plan our ECS year. We have one person who asked to join us and have room for more. As we approach 2022, we need people to step up and agree to be mentored for all executive positions from Jan. to Jun. 2022, then take over in September of 2022.
As we did last year, we will again be sending a survey with questions for you to answer, along with the slate of officers who have agreed to let their names stand for the various Executive positions. The survey and various attachments should reach you by June 2nd, and we ask that you complete it within 3 days.
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The ECS extends our sincere congratulations to The Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild as they celebrate their 40th Anniversary. They are holding a wonderful exhibition of calligraphic delights during the month of June, so if you are in Calgary, head to the Central Library and check it out! They are also trying to organize a virtual tour for people who aren’t able to attend in person. Yay! There is lots to see on their website: http://www.bvcg.ca/
Peggy Marce, an ECS founding member, reminded me that the Edmonton Calligraphic Society had our 35th Anniversary on May 27. We celebrate together!
John Neal Bookseller Numerous Online Classes
Denis Brown A Variety of Classes
Sandia Workshops Online Calligraphy Classes
Paul Antonio Classes, Lectures and Workshops
Benoit Furet Knotworks
Society for Calligraphy Several Classes
Future Learn History of the Book & The Book of Kells
Lettering Daily Tutorials and Guides
European Pointed Pen Collective Several Classes
Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society Videos For Beginners
Calligraphy Masters Frak One Free Found
Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto (Small fee for ‘Friends of CAGT’) Julie Wildman–
Intermediate Passionate Pointed Brush
Society for Calligraphy Loredana Zega Crazy Illumination
Mike Kesceg Pointed Pen (free)
Ink Me This Numerous Online Classes
Letters of Joy (Mini-Conference) Many Sessions to Choose
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