We have an additional Zoom Session!
Next Meeting: January 6, 2021
7:00 PM MST via ZOOM
Instructor: Leslie Winakur
Illuminated Manuscripts Presentation
January Letters and Lines Theme:
Because we don’t normally meet in January, we did not have a specific theme assigned. I asked you to send me photographs and any background information about ink wells and pens/holders you have, and wish to share. I have received several interesting stories and images, so please send your photos to for the January Ink Drops. Of course, we encourage you to forward any photos of projects you have worked on, or lettering done in a class you took online.
The Back Story Behind Our Surprise January Guest Calligrapher
On January 1, 2010, my husband and I attended the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade, and planned to follow that with a train trip across the Southern US, to Florida, to visit our friend. Unfortunately, a hurricane washed out the tracks on the Eastern portion before we left Canada, forcing us to abandon the train in San Antonio and fly to Florida. That gave us time to sight-see in a new city, so we booked into the Crockett Hotel (Yes, that one!) for a couple of days.
I wondered if San Antonio had a calligraphy guild. Much to my delight, I discovered the SACG, so sent an email. I received a warm reply from Leslie Winakur who said she’d pick me up and bring me to their meeting! It turned out that she and good friend, Maggie Gillikan, were delivering a fun activity that night (Name That Calligraphic Hand & Period in History). I enjoyed visiting, observing how they ran their program, and viewing the calligraphy on display. I was surprised when Leslie insisted on taking me for a late supper with some of the SACG members. Her reply was, “That’s what we do, here in Texas.”!
Fast Forward to November 2020…
Despite exchanging a few emails over the last 10 years, I had little connection with Leslie until we both attended the November Calligraphy Guild Reps Zoom meeting to discuss technology. She still remembered me! I decided to join the San Antonio Calligraphy Guild, because I saw that Leslie was giving a presentation on Illuminated Manuscripts. It was so fascinating and informative that I asked if it would be something she’d consider sharing with our ECS. Leslie gave me permission to share the recording with our Executive members who agreed that it would be a unique opportunity…so, I booked her. Be sure to join us for her wonderful Zoom session on Jan. 6, 2021 at 7 PM MST. Start your new year with a visual delight!
This month, we extend greetings to two new members from the Edmonton area. We welcome Jackie Petruk, who was an ECS member many years ago and has come back to us, and also to Teresa Brook.

Member Projects

Barbara Keir lettered these rocks. The piece of marble is very special because her mother gave it to Barbara when she returned from a trip to Italy. It is from a quarry Michelangelo used!
Envelope Exchange

Margret Ingebergsson’s envelope & insert.

Yogi Grunwold

Pauline Baynes
The first place to check is John Neal Bookseller, as there are numerous instructors listed there. If you know of someone who is not posted with JNB and is offering classes in 2021, please let me know and I’ll add them to our information.
John Neal Bookseller
Loredana Zega:
John Stevens:
Dennis Brown:
Old/unusual inkwells and/or pen holders Send photos to before Jan 10, 2021.
Thanks to Annette Wichmann for her hour-long Zoom tour to show us her fine selection of calligraphy tools and supplies stocked in her beautiful Kensington Art Supplies shop!
Handwriting Day Celebration!
If you are thinking of joining us for our Handwriting Day Celebration event with Julie Wildman, please buy your ticket ASAP, so we know the class will go ahead on Jan. 23, 2021, 10 AM to 12:30 PM MST
Eventbrite Tickets
Please share this information with any teachers you know who may be interested, or anyone who wants to improve his/her handwriting.
Other notes:
This has been a crazy COVID year, but it forced your executive to rethink how we would keep you engaged and interested in continuing your calligraphic journey while we could not gather in person. The first four months of our programming have been very well-received, with many of you sending positive comments and expressions of appreciation. We have five more months of exciting instructors who will be leading us on more lettering adventures, and I’m sure you will feel your membership is excellent value!
I wish you all a Christmas holiday season that is filled with peace, relaxation, and hope for a better new year!
Warmly, Gail Fournier

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