It is great to hear this question from our members
at the meetings. Here are some thoughts
from your leadership team.
- Come early to the room – 6:00 p.m. is suggested.
- Sign-in at the registration table and pick-up your name tag if you don’t have one from past meetings.
3. Put up the ECS banner.
4. Prepare room by setting up tables and chairs, and place plastic covers on tables.
5. Assist in setting up the Library, i.e. bring out the books from the storage locker.
6.Prepare a table for Letters & Lines.
- Display examples of your work for Letters and Lines.
- Browse through the Library and sign-out up to three books for one month.
3. Buy raffle tickets – $2 each or $5/3.
4. Take photos to post on the ECS public Fb page – ‘Calligraphy in Edmonton’.
5. Introduce yourself to someone new.
6. Share yours pens or markers with someone new.
7. Buy something from the sales table.
8. Renew your membership or buy a gift membership for a friend.
9. Be active in decision-making during the meeting.
10. Participate in the Learn-to-Letter exercise.
- Clear meeting room by taking down the tables and chairs.
- Dismantle Library and store books in locker.
- Take down banner.
- Sign-up for ECS WORKSHOPS. The minimum number of participants needed is 12!
- Become a member of the Executive Team.
- Help write or proofread the Edmonton Arts Council (EAC) funding application.
- Join in at community outreach Learn the lingo!
- Donate a raffle prize – buy an extra pen, bottle of ink or favorite sheet of paper to donate to ECS
- Serve on the workshop committee.
- Participate in work-bees.
- Post your lettering or interesting articles on ECS’s public Fb page
- Check the ECS Fb page website for new information.
- Come to an Executive meeting to participate in long-range planning initiatives.
- Use your discount at art stores in Edmonton. Ask them to order supplies that benefit calligraphers.
- Mentor a new ECS member, if needed.
- Promote ECS at other art and community events that you attend.
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